Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Graduating From School

I apologize for disappearing from the blog world for a time. I didn't go AWOL, I was merely MIA.

The battle? Finish school, once and for all!

It was a rough combat zone, my final days of being a high school student. I exchanged rapid fire with a tough grammar book, and hid in the trenches to procrastinate some speech writing. When it was all over, I almost needed to be airlifted from the combat zone. It was a mess of newsworthy proportions.

Papers and books were scattered all about my bedroom. My bed was a mess. I needed a shower and it was midnight. But it didn't matter, I was done.

My opponent, known as school, had finally been defeated. Twelve and a half years of intense battles and I had finally won.


My school journey, from the first grade to the twelfth was anything but easy. I am sure many other graduated students have said the same thing, but I can't speak for their journey, I can only speak for my own.

I'm not going to drag any of you through the mud with details of every hard thing that has happened in my life. Every one of us in life has our own struggles, curve balls, and things in life that we wish we could just skip over. I can't even begin to count the number of times I wished I could just be done with something and not have to wrestle with it anymore.

But that is not how life works, and that is okay. God doesn't leave us stuck on a merry-go-round, eventually, we get to move on to the next ride-be it a slow-moving train, or a roller coaster. And in the mean time, we get the experience of whatever ride we are on. We get off a different person.

I just got off a ride that at times felt like a slow moving train, and at other times, a roller coaster.

Now I am faced with an entirely new situation....what happens now?

I don't have any college plans, nor is there a job or destination that I have awaiting me. I could write a book series about all of the ideas I have dancing around in my brain.

Right now, in this moment, I am just taking a breath and coming up to smell the roses for the first time in forever. I have had one main goal for over twelve years, and now that I have reached that goal, I get the pleasure of seeing what God has in store for me next.

I look forward to sharing my next battle/journey/ride with you, my dear readers.

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